Ukrainians have in their genetics to be treated as cannon folder no matter which side they are on it seems. They were the 4th largest army of earth 30 years ago... If Europe rebels they invade Europe if Moscow rebels they invade the city if Ukraine rebels they get treated even worse than usual from all the sides. That was the way of the USSR... Why can't the elites get creative? Using 70 year old tactics in an even more incompetent way against the masters of the region. 
> war never changes
sure as hell won't with these people in charge. And I considered the Age of Conquests retarded back then.
To the last hohol I guess. Even tho everyone is trying to position themselves to not take the fall for this whole retardation. What "event" needs to fire so they can make people forget this shit. While I know a "mass unrest" will appear in the near future that changes half the world (again) we are still not close enough to the boiling point.

Allergy is about the immune system overreacting to some things. If it's marked with your own benevolent energies the immune system knows that the food that you intake that it mistakenly labels "poison" is actually a "blessing". But yes the main cause can get quite tricky to figure out. Even I am experimenting with shifting my dietary ways in a way my energy body stays content with it. This body part likes this food this emotional state craves that food this desire stem from good childhood memories etc