> Wonder how far will that "past drama" go.
I am encircling them as of now, some still attacked during the night, I let my newly formed Queen shield get some training by not doing anything. They can't get through at all, but for now it takes a few seconds before the effect hits them. In that time they are able to project enough evil to place them in the self perceived instant hell for a fun 10 000 years before they are ripped away. That's the thing here, it's essentially them attacking "absolute purity" with "absolute filth", even bringing those into contact is such as a massive sin it costs them an instant 1000 year hell sentence. But they're so thick headed from adrenachrome use they don't even notice until the full force rips them away after a 3 - 5 seconds pass. It's like getting a million volts connected and "not feeling it" for a few seconds. And it doesn't matter how many of them do this, those looking on will still come and do the same thing after.

I saw horrible images of them also. Scenes of tall muscular men whose bodies were so filled with filthy energy they had turned into something completely inhuman on the inside, like mountains of black rotting goo and pus with mold everywhere. And they were cutting the throats of children and feasting on babies like a pack of wolves. That's how they got their "psychic powers" leveled up. There is a certain effect like this where Karma also works to strengthen them mention in ZF, and this is a prime example. This negative energy is so huge they have managed to prolong their lives using mega sized occult technology of planet wide scale, and also personally defend themselves by creating energy shields and weapons that can kill any human instantly by a thought. They rarely get involved personally because they have underlings though. 

This has given them huge egos, and they can't fathom that a single person can stand up against them by even doing nothing. I don't know what their view is on vampires, but I suppose they think it's just a matter of scale and that vampires have just killed more people for longer time. They don't understand the difference in terms of Qi, virtue, karma or Gong. The vampires are immortal because of Gong, but nah, they can't see it, so they just think it's because vampires killed more babies than they themselves did.