It coincided perhaps with a major breakthrough I did earlier today, after an intense session with djinn. When I walked outside and came back from a walk in the forest, there was someone yelling from a distance, three times. This was followed by a loud explosion that made the ground shake. At first I thought someone was shooting at me, but it was too loud and I know this procedure, I've just not been this near it before - it was also way too loud to be a mere gunshot, there was a shockwave. It took a few moments before realizing that it was a neighbour blowing up rocks on some forest road construction a few 100 meters away. You either use a signal three times to warn, or yell something like "fire in the hole" three times before igniting.

While this isn't random of an event, it's known that strong energy breakthroughs will cause explosions, it was said in history that buddhists would accidentally make mountain tops collapse among other things. Withe the universe adapting to the normal state of things, it was too much of a coincidence to have that happen right after I finished.

Now I'm thinking the shockwave would have nudged you over the top as well.