Following the creation of this Raid, there was a planned attack. Some kind of deep state agents using a "bowl" to contain the soul punishment inevitably placed on them for attacking a Queen shield. If one second of attacking this shield places a 1000 year hell penalty on them, imagine the effect of containing this to keep attacking for 5 hours. What are they going to do then? Contain the divine punishment forever in a human construct? They are so unimaginably stupid.

Looking into what they used, according to Astra it was created from the exact pattern of thinking already included in the Raid Red Moon. It is a way of thinking where endurance is completely removed. The person must in every moment of waking life siphon mental energy from someone else. All their thinking is built around this principle. If they face a person resistant to siphoning, they start looking for ways to rally other people to attack them for being "selfish" ,"conservative" or whatever else can make the group attack them. 

We can see this on an international scale where if someone kicks out the world bank and installs a national leader figure, they will all gang up on this country for being "undemocratic" and they will use NATO to destroy the country. "Democratic" means that they can freely siphon assets from the country, and if they can't do this they will look for ways to destroy them so they open up. 

What the Raid Vampire Red Moon does is to apply the same thing, but selectively against perverted predators, rallying support against them and feeding on only them.