Adapting predators in a group.

Some years ago they would assign some low level psiop glowie to send racist dreams to me. It would have things like me being with some very standard white dude who's acting friendly in ways they never do irl. Then we suddenly get threatened by some black guy with a gun. But because I worked intentionally to get rid of standard "racist" memetics for years, this has no effect because I see nothing threatening about a black guy. In the dream I even still thought an African will never hold a gun to me, so this isn't real. They they had him fire the gun, but that just made me wake up because it didn't match with my mental framework.

Then they tried things to make me view police in a positive way, and "adapted" to their own perception of a "leftie" view, where someone was robbing some fat black women in some trashy suburb. But this was way too "American" in style for me to feel anything, plus that the blood had the wrong colour. I've treated injuries with people bleeding so I know what that looks like, the dream had movie blood.

When did didn't work, they started just plain attacking me instead. After year of beating down retarded "shock and awe" attacks they're now back to what you experience, fine tuned infiltration where they try to not appear threatening at all.

It's all just like the colours of a chameleon. I don't believe they actually have intelligence or even much awareness, this is just collectivized predatory strategies developed over time.