The cats showed me the pathway earth will pass through like a year ago but I am not sure how it will play out at all.

Also as I synced up new parts of my brain today I realized that raising up the index finger front of my eyes syncs the brains up more naturally as they not just focus on a single point but on a part of the energy body thus creating an internal circuit. Managed to figure out a bunch of "Instinctual mudras" that are as baseline as yawning or brushing your eyes but seems like if your energy body is weak or clogged it does not make you do them by default. It's unbelievable but with a right push the whole body can be fixed. Yoga is truly something that cannot be forced or trained it needs to be "found" or at least not forgotten. It's quite ridiculous that instead of "learning" things I managed to forget a bunch of useless retardation instead so these things can return on their own. Can't believe how much humans can work to become more stupid and make others even more stupid by merely repairing the damage I incurred and inflicted upon myself to shield myself from further damage.

Just realized today that I remake the way I think and operate by around every 3 years. My life drastically changes around that interval.
One astrology site called this tight Pluto Mercury opposition as something as a "Phoenix crisis". I either change my mind on my own and completely renew it thus gaining insights into matters constantly or I will be changed by outsider forces. I consider myself less bound to the planets in the past years but I always had a hunch that I wanted their influence upon myself without realizing maybe in a deliberate way. They are magnetically pulling out some parts of your personality with their special kind of gravity. Still not sure how they contain karma or if they still contain it. There are just too many types of karma.