The body has many layers, once you get a higher energy concentration you can do it fast per layer, but you should aim to transform one layer first to understand the process. The physical change is gradual and not a set process (which I assume is why the vampires active today all seem to have witches around them, they are still subject to spiritual attacks which cause drama in the group by manipulating emotions among other things). The "automatic" aspect of vampire magic is more of an ability to find a way. Opening up energy channels is "the same process" for everyone with the same body type, but the process has to be personalized, and deep issues from past lives will come up.

I've looked young always, but I also had some physical issues when I was young. As the energy channels opened up, some things I had when little which had passed, resurfaced because they had just been driven off the surface and not handled at the core of the issue.

Not dying from illness, not being seriously harmed, having a situational defense both socially and in material situations, being able to solve old karma while not risking death, that's the main aspect. But you will be overly healthy and feel young. Regular mundanes have age crisis' when they age, because they see their future lacking prospects and their youth gone. I noticed the mental change which was "supposed to be there" and when reading my own energy in a mirror, I saw a clear change in the way the energy in the top half of my brain was structured. I observed it and worked to return my mentality to how it was 5 years prior, and the energy structure started looking the same again, while my mentality also returned there. 

I think these "abilities" are simply not available to mundanes. The find ways to cope, but they have a desperation over them. The miracle is slow moving.