> this why you have recommended the AUM chant?
Not because he said so. I tried many things and I found his explanation sound, and the exercise to be effective. The Hatha Yoga Pradikpika only recommends the MMMMM sound which is said to "awaken the Shakti". Today it's said this is the sound of bees and wasps, which means it's the mantra of Bhramari. Combined with the bhramari mudra hand position it has a significant effect in creating an etheral mindset. If combining the AAA sound with Apan Mudra, the lower half of the body opens up strongly. The methods work.

Learn the bandas; mula, uddiyana, jalandara, and the kechari mudra and use them in combination with the sounds to address the lower, middle or higher parts of the body. They're all tools to move energy around.