> Regular mundanes have age crisis' when they age, because they see their future lacking prospects and their youth gone.
Yeah because they don't have and know anything apart from their material lives and bodies, so if they lose those they lose everything. No spirit, no astral bodies, not even life after death for them as far as they are concerned.
> But you will be overly healthy and feel young.
Hope so, but aren't immortal vampires supposed to look young and beautiful for a long time too, maybe even forever?
> Learn the bandas
Okay, I'll see what I can do althought my desire to fully immerse myself in yoga is not that great. 
Well whatever, I think I'll keep going my way now (I just don't like imageboards) and leave the board again but of course as I feel obliged to report I will come back and do so if anything "major" will happen for me to confirm my immortality or whatever and properly thank you for all your support.
But I must say I do feel like a new journey is beginning, there is defintely the energy of change and "magic in the air" but there is also doubt and a feeling like "bummer" as I'm uncertain what's ahead of me and physical immortality might turn out not to be that what I hoped for. If it's actually real, I need to see it myself. Well I'll just aim for the astral if it's necessary or if I feel like I have arrived at a pyhsical dead-end and have no choice.