That is how it was in the past too. After the monk in Vietnam burned himself many tried to protest the same way in Tibet. No one remembers those guys. Being a dishonest copycat because you want to kill yourself anyways so why not make it flashy does not always result in real changes.
> Nice "protest" you got there
Literally all the western "protests" in the last decade. All of them always HAPPEN to align with the media and megacorporations. If it's organic it will be forgotten within a week.

> I have to adapt to see new patterns
This is the worst part. Whenever I unlock a new way to view reality I realize my brain is still unable to process all the information at once thus if I let it "show" on my current enlightenment level I have to turn of many of my mental processing ways. Not to mention the new blindspots it generates. Oh and if I fuck it up it ruins my physical vision too. Why are the eye meridians so complex. 
> our immune system does not know we have eyes and testicles
And now I am connecting them and something weird always happens.