> Being a dishonest copycat
Actually, a UK media outlet said
> the 911 call came in at 13:37
I didn't at first connect the dots here. That's "leet" or "elite", meaning it's confirming he was working for them. Magic leaves these symbols after, which can be found and traced using "magic forensics".

> energies of the board improved
It's more like a manifestation of an improvement which had to become physical in some way, correlating with me also suddenly understanding how to do this. Which isn't some "magic" in that sense but still is, since as it turns out imageboards are all different so you can't just move a style sheet from one of them to the next.
What "looks like magic" when you can't do it then looks more like handiwork when you can, but I guess that's nothing new either. Magic is also a work in itself.