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> a few days prior, i was taken by some female cult(?) again
> I honestly can't remember why they took me this time but they did it anyway
> still in my current human body one of the higher members was a loli or some kind of hebe (god, using this term is weird but its the best way i can desribe her)
> she has me meet up with her, explore whatever academic looking place her and the cult resides in and has me essentially play courier and reconnaissance for a while.
> witness like two other groups (not affiliated with the all female cult)
have negotiations over stuff
> negotiations go bad and they start attacking each other
> afterwards, when this is all done. i meet the girl and the actual leader/mistress/whatever
> taken to a nurses office(?)
> the "nurse" there makes mention of how weak i am in this body and it how hampers most of things i can/need to do so her hand turns into a tentacle, she opens my mouth, slipping her tentacle down my throat and putting something inside
> i dont know if its was energy, pills or what but it make me cough up and stuff
> Then the ladies had me in what looked like a training room where every one else was women and they had participate in tests
> physically all women there mopped the floor with me, while mentally and (apparently) magicakally i was able to keep up with them even if i was struggling for a bit
> they basically gave me that assessment and said that whatever thing they put inside me (they didnt say what it was) is that its going to inevitably bloom inside of me and draw out my true self (im assuming her) whether i like it or not, whether i consciously accelerate it or not