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> the point of ceremonial magic is not the tools itself but to put you into a "magic mood" or a "magic zone". 
> When you master your "magic mood" you don't need this you can do anything with a thought. I am not saying it's simple. If you are not in the "magic mood" then the tools will just not work
This is similar to what you can do with any skill. In the music industry they call this "the machine", being able to produce the on-stage quality voice in an instant. A lot of singers can't do this. Actors are the same, some learn this skill and it's what we call "acting", while others need to "get into the role" and spend 6 weeks trying to get in-character before filming.

I'd recommend learning this, no matter how long time it takes. Having to spend hours or even weeks to get into the mood for a spell is a huge issue. Crowley supposedly spent 6 months preparing a spell, then a relative died and he had to leave for France, which botched all his preparations.
At first you may have to spend a few months to get into the mood, but if you actively work to reduce it, the next time it may take a few weeks. If you reduce the time every time you do it, eventually you can do it in an instant. There were some things I had to spend 3 months on each time in the beginning, but I've now reduced the time to 1-2 days.
It's ok to be autistic about it, it will benefit you in the end. Even if it takes several years to reduce the preparation time, compare that to having to spend 3-6 months for every ritual. The invested time will pay off once you get the time down to something manageable.