> and that functionality is the 3rd temple. 
Also I am not sure what exactly changed. It seems my system that was all about rejecting denying and abolishing anything that was against me is not needed anymore? Was trying to downsize it so it's less "trigger happy" but it seems I can go even further steps ahead?
But there is something else.
NWO had a hard time encroaching here because a bunch of stop gap measures through history but I am not sure how to consider this "change" at all. Their problem was that they tried to "rule" from the USA. You cannot rule that was like how England "ruled" the world. That's not how it works. America was not just a larger England. Eh who am I kidding the whole colonization thing was an energetic and karmic mess. You cannot even draw the line where things went wrong. Not to mention the whole mess with Israel where they pretended they "retook their homeland". If it was that simple the Templars would have achieved an eternal NWO already.

Also I know you mentioned federation principles before but seems like they need to apply further? All I am seeing is some negative karmic line system slowly dissolving in the "sky".
Might meditate on it later. Some parts of my mind is debating if there are new principles in the air or not. 
But I am not complaining.I read the space cat policies and they are quite well worded already. Not even sure if  I can complain against those. If you are willing to go through the process you can get 99% of what you desire.