> so it will do fine without the shaman mental framework
Yeah the mental framework I am using is somewhat close to the shamanic way of thinking.
> had an experience of the imageboard discussion that was open on the screen. It played out as people talking instead of just writing, and was a strange experience.
The thought current had a conversation like that. It was something that I "concluded" already so I was like I agree but I know this and I am not willing to participate in it because that would disturb the flow or something. I have this sort of "thinking in imageboard conversation that I picked up while doing mundane work so I can speed up my mental processing while browsing sites like this but I am not sure if it's related. But was srsly weird that a mental thought pattern appeared as a stream of blue channel with minor colored information bits in my pure white "sleepbliss" dimension.
> not to interpret it by forcing it into a different meaning
Okay so "Interpret" is not the same as "Understanding" here but maliciously twisting the meaning like how jews operate. Okay. I thought you are meaning that understanding the laws in any ways is not okay.
Also seems like something went through my system and I received a new understanding of my laws because the "energy jammers" of the NWO is not present anymore? 
Like how "laws" not just create "karma" but require a level of karma to establish at the start. This new understanding is weird. I got new info but unable to understand what it means. okay I am getting it. The way we are conversing about "laws" is because we got used to the fact that we were always oppressed by unjust laws so we have hard time accepting that the term "law" might be a beneficial thing like a roof on a house and not like a shackle that binds us.
> Essentially a mystical way of talking about servitor versions of yourself.
Oh rith and I had an "Inner Jesus" already. Guess they got into a pissing contest. Getting rid of that guy was hard. You lucked out by not getting that injected into you or Li flushed it out I don't know.