>  I am not sure what exactly changed. It seems my system that was all about rejecting denying and abolishing anything that was against me is not needed anymore?
What changed is that the literal meaning of the 3rd temple being built was translated into its energetic function in a raw format with no physical temple structure being finished yet, but it works because that is just an expression of an idea kept in the minds of the builders anyway. I've been in telepathic contact with some very argumentative Mossads who were willing to cooperate, because Jews never agree with their own on anything so they don't even care about a literal group of 5 orthodox's deciding to make the decision behind everyone's back. The plan was proceeding since long, but it's completely non-organized in all ways. They will all claim they did it if successful and if it failed no one did it, so it will be accepted. 

Consider it like that anime or movie set-up where mortal enemies in some local area are suddenly teaming up because a foreign threat appears. At least you know your enemies since long so it's almost like you are friends compared to this newcomer who's picking a fight with both of you.

That's how this works with the Jews and the NWO. They actually hate it and wants USA and the entire west to burn to ashes (well you already know that part). But the NWO are anti-semitic and had planned for all Jews to be exterminated alongside Muslims. If you watched carefully what has played out, while king Bibi is going full retard, this has played into the hands of the orthodox Jews who don't want war and who don't really care about the state of Israel either. They previously funded Hamas, and recently it was quite obvious that they even cooperated with Iran when both sides could claim some kind of victory. Even if many Israelites are in a state of rabid panic after the Hamas attack, this gave them a reason to destroy Gaza, which they wanted. And at the same time, Hamas gets what they want when everyone now hates Jews. Iran gets to play a leader role in gathering all Islamists against Israel, while the Jewish version of Muslims, the orthodox who all have 8 kids and don't work, have a chance to see their own Jewish "enemies" in the IDF and those who want war, both dying and having their reputation ruined. Plus that the "lazy" mundane Jews in America and elsewhere gets a lot of hate, which is exactly what the orthodox Jews want, because they see them as heretics.