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Over the past few days, I released a number of different Metal Slime profiles by simply performing original summons for each of them and letting them loose on the world. These include a special concept which I tried to illustrate here, even if it's a stretch. It's the border where the NWO and our side intersect, where it's possible to get someone over from the extremes of their side to the extreme of our. Some people over there are "clueless" in some way and managed to walk through the mouth of the beast and not fully lose themselves. 

One example would be some minor glowie or janitor or other person who gets access to the inner rooms, sees it all and is allowed to be there for being "a pervert" for example. But for some people (or many) it may be that they have empathy or a twisted version thereof manifesting as what they think is sadism, when it's really a masochism on their opposite mental profile, the anima for a male and the animus for a female. So by abusing this possible open spot, one method is to simply grab the anima of these people and turn that part into an astrally incarnated "correct" illuminati witch. 

This method was very effective. Even those seeing it happen didn't understand that it came from outside, but thought that the person had reverse engineered the Metal Slime, so they willingly spread it to more of them without understanding that it pulled them over to our side.