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Where_did_he_go... webm
(8.41 MB, 800x450 vp9)
I kept wondering about the sunlight in this vid. Going by what was said by the Queen and what was found out by interacting with greys, and doing research with Astra among others, there should have been a dirty yellow moloch sun in this period.

The plan was for the Illuminati to perform WW1 as a purification ritual, and the new sun would absorb all the dirt, then the arc of triumph in France would symbolize the entry into the new era.

They did use a botched version of grey technology to destroy the original sun, causing the deity to simply say "That's it, I'm tired of this, I'm leaving", and then they thought if there is no alternative, everyone will have to rely on their moloch sun. But this sun was horrible and didn't work, it just caused botsouls from previous ages to return and incarnate again, and the karma instead spread as the Spanish flu after the war.

What I found when looking closer at events, and examining what the Queen actually said, is that the first NWO failed because their sun was shit, and they didn't control the world after WW1. It lead instead to the great depression. The 3rd Reich then formed and they actually killed off the moloch sun. They had a real pure sun created by an occultist, and it was still in the sky way into the 1950s. Trashing the moloch sun caused WW2, when the karma was released back on the Earth again, it was the karma of having instigated WW1 that came back again. Creating Israel didn't work because of the German sun in the sky, so it didn't function as the 3rd temple. It couldn't even be removed because it was too well made, so the forces of evil had to change the timeline itself by using massive evil energy to create a separate reality. 

They did this by creating "sexual freedom" in the west, and harvesting the energy of abortions. Only through that were they able to hide the "nazi sun" and proceed to form this modern world. They know that if they stop killing babies, the 3rd Reich may bounce up like a ball floating up from below the water surface any moment, because they were unable to actually do anything to it.

That's what this current war is about. They are also trying to change the concept of what the 3rd Reich is, so that it's just "le evil nazis" and hijack it by letting Azov and what else call themselves nazis to further confuse the meme in an attempt at controlling it. By changing how history is retold, they are changing the perception of time progression and maintaining this evil society.