thumbnail of bhramari mudra.png
thumbnail of bhramari mudra.png
bhramari mudra png
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thumbnail of gyan mudra.jpg
thumbnail of gyan mudra.jpg
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Check this book posted here
which came up in another thread. It has instructions for all steps of yogic practice explained in a way that even someone with no personal understanding should be able to follow. I'm not saying to follow it, but you can check where in the process you are currently and maybe get ideas for suitable exercises. (Feels similar to "C# step by step" which is made so that someone with zero personal understanding can learn it by just memorizing each procedure by doing it.)

> mudra you recommend for the middle part of the body together with the U sound and the upper part of the body together with the M sound
For the MMMMM sound, use Bhramari mudra.
is the goddess of bees, which sounds like the MMMM sound, and creates a connection with the higher dimensions and an ethereal mindset.

I don't know of a specific pose for the UUUUU sound, but I think gyan mudra should work. There is an issue with this mudra however; after channelling sessions with various spiritual beings like djinn, greys, and the Queen/Illivryn, it was concluded the following:
The gyan mudra creates concentration, but it does this by creating the "promiscuity" mind wave. When combined with the lotus position, it becomes a complete energy systems which does this, it pulls energy downwards and connects you to desire bound energies. For most people this is harmful. Those who practice in a strict temple setting or in solitude away from society can do it. We can also do it because the "undead" standard of having a full circle particle mitigates the degenerative effect.

What it does is to make the energy move down, which creates direction. And the origin is in the body itself, the human body is a divine construct which was formed physically, it's simply harmful for most ordinary spirits to have a human body. Even something as simply as placing the thumb and index finger together will create harmful energy, and sitting with legs crossed while doing this makes it worse. That's humans for you. When you just relax and sit as someone may do when lacking a chair, with your hand relaxed, you produce a harmful mindset and harmful Qi. That's how BS this incarnation form is when viewed as an ordinary being. But humans were created for improvement, not to stay in place. It's a struggle to not fall down by "doing nothing".

To avoid doing this randomly, you can do what I did and make a habit of forming the apan mudra instead when doing nothing. With the right hand turned outward placed in front of the heart, this wards off evil instead.