> makes me wonder if I ever met a rude glowie... most likely not, yet all the hate here
I don't hate them tbh. As for CIA I consider them a legit organization which became very mislead and degenerated. MI5/6 are probably the most evil organizations on the planet, but I don't hate them either. As I haven't physically interacted with them aside from their psychic attacks (and literal attempt at shooting me from the forest next to the road) I don't have any physical hate for them still. Their attacks are more like weeds or vermin I need to kill to have a decent living space. Things would have been different if they had started a fistfight with me on a sidewalk or actually revealed themselves to me by name and ID card and then performed the same things. What response they get on their Psiops are worse than most others because of what they do, but nah. Hate is for someone you consider human and can relate to. I don't relate to insects or viruses, I just keep them away and kill them if they get in my way too much.

People who on the other hand look and behave and claim to be human, and reveal themselves, such as those other categories, those who gain my trust in some way, and then betray me. Those are the worst because I expected them to be decent and then they aren't.

I don't expect vermin to be anything else than that, so it's not like those people have betrayed me in any way. It's more of an instrumental hostility.