> How? Don't they all look the same?
I read somewhere how facial recognition mixups can ruin your life there. I cannot even imagine the bureaucratic nightmare you have to go through to unfuck it but I guess if you are surveyed 24/7 then mixups based only on looks can be lessened because of other data proving everything where you were at all times.
It's still retarded and I am sure it only works on people who's entire life is their workplace and their home and don't even leave the city at all. 
Otherwise the number of variables increase and it requires quite the personel or the masterfully programmed AI to sort it out.

Whenever I think about the ways of the different surveillance states I realize it's hard to pull it off without constant mixups. Especially when some people require constant red tapes so they don't get found out. Then the whole system falls apart sooner or later. 
But I guess those people have access to like 30 body doubles who live the most ordinary life ever when they need to stay put.