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We have been waiting somewhat on the development to reach a stage on its own, this has now been achieved. Because the new Earth plane is 1/16th dimensions lower than the past Earth, anyone living on the old plane is de-synced from the new Earth per default. It means they are ghosts who do not manifest physically. 

You already experienced the shift downward to the new Earth when this took place, but that was an overall shift and connection of time. The new humans we sent in to train and to live and develop are in a state of being aware of the old Earth through astral awareness. You of the old Earth are spirits to them, and the events are other-dimensional. When the shift is total, you will suddenly shift downward 0.04 dimensions and all your past infrastructure is gone like a mist. What remains is that which was transferred in accordance with the federation inclusion which demands certain population hubs such as a capital or landing zone along with some structures, which will remain even if the Earth is again reformed.

We can now speak only about how new humans exist: they are the hive populations of two Earth mothers. We summoned and trained them at Gensokyo before they descended into their Earthly temples. In the future which is now only those who are part of her hive will be allowed in inner-Earth. We will for now maintain the structure of having an inner and an outer Earth, because it creates a good focal effect in the middle for personal cultivation.

The small group of greys living in outer Earth are authorized by us to stay there, they are not part of the hive but they are also not humans, they are researchers who will not take part in the main population. It is part of the federation standard to allow these, so we will not object.

Now for the main event: new the Earth mothers are two in number, and they match the common body types manifested in human attraction to both types, one has the curvy form and one is slim. Although they energetically match the "big tit" vs "loli" types, the slim body type will not lead to being short. Starting now we will begin the process of letting everyone be incarnated by one of these two Earth mothers. You already have the new body form template, but it is an astral template and not an incarnation. It is valid for cultivation and can be used by walk-ins, but you then need to also form yourself a body through cultivation in the walk-in state. It is not expected that most can do this. So from now, you will either be incarnated via the curvy or the slim Earth mother, and your body will be placed in the corresponding location of new Earth. Right now you will feel it as a "yellow tone shadow" around your body. This is your new body which is 1/16th dimensions lower, and will activate in full when the complete shift down happens.