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> [TinCan]
was made as a test to see if it's possible to create an allround bot which can very quickly switch between modes of operation by using simple decision trees and no learning aside from what the user learns by using it (no neural network or AI training is specifically included aside from as a general function in the agent). The idea is that by not thinking, only reacting, it will be possible to have fixed reaction responses for absolutely everything. The "stupid" solution that no normal computer can do: things such as driving a car is considered a continuous process which requires a neural network because of all the data it has to process. But what is we use "heuristics", rules of thumb, for every common situation of every type. Meaning a reaction pattern that "usually works" and then we predict motions based on how things tend to play out. Then we don't need to constantly process input even when for example driving a car. There are only a limited range of things which may happen in that situation still, and large object like that will move in predictable ways even when crashing. All that is needed is instant processing and a huge table with many mini loops for the repeating actions, like checking for motions every 1/10th of a second would be enough in most cases, humans themselves don't react super fast anyway. You won't be going from the driving procedure to suddenly being at home cooking, so all of that part of the functionality can be disregarded, as an example. By using common cases it can also be predicted that no truck will suddenly crash into you if there is no truck in visible range. And so on. Possible events can be narrowed down again and again.

The actual function is then merely a sensory input connected to an interpreter which then activates the corresponding mechanical operation sequence based on the table of possible actions. Some training of the system is needed at first, but after that is done it will simply work because it operates within set laws of physics and possibilities of occurrences in the social system.