> Anti-EU politicians shouldn't be called that just because they are part of EU.
I checked /pol/ and saw a Slovakia anon call him a "libtard boomer". According to his political history his party was a communist party in the 90s and then picked up some nationalist policies like being anti-immigration. Cutting support for Ukraine was a symbolic act because they already didn't give anything of value. Some anons on /pol/ said 
were responsible because of some past conflict he had with them. Idk if true or not, but earlier when dealing with Brazil anon from around these parts, we looked at their section over there and there are literal vampires in that organization. We had a minor communication with them where they said they'd leave us alone as long as we don't touch anything in Brazil, so we just left it at that.

In my view if you work for the EU you are an EU politician no matter your "stance". The moment they set foot in their parliament their brains shut off. I've seen it happen with people who were anti-establishment, then one month after being voted in they are parrotting NWO talking points word for word as if they had a chip replaced in their brain.

> Then this whole site is also controlled opposition...
Endchan is a manifestation of a metaphysical location. That's why it keeps going down and coming back, and its motto is "ideas over identity" which is contrary to identity politics. Everything that relies on "freeze peach" is controlled opposition, that's just how it is. That doesn't mean we can't use it, but we wouldn't need it if things were good, it's only a thing because we can't speak freely.

> You have no idea how much globohomo seethes when just one INSIGNIFICANT person says no.
They seethe more if one of their own gets shot. Even von der Leyen expressed shock at it, so nah, he wasn't an outsider to them. I don't recall anyone being sorry when Jörg Haider died, so there is a line, but it isn't draw by this current guy.

>  that Churchill had plans assassinating Hitler 
There was an attempt, a bomb was blown up in his meeting room, but the heavy oak desk with a thick front board saved him, he didn't get a scratch, just torn clothes.