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I don't know if it was them or just a mere dream but I saw two ladies, an adult woman and a Loli. Tendrils were injecting themselves into the woman, to the point of typical doujin things. She was freaked out at first but she started to feel good and she was dragged into some green pool and reemerges as a giant green egg. The began to crack and break and she became "alien" like the Loli, both individuals followed me, in a weird body suit lancer artoria, they... Kinda had me make a choice and I chose the loli. At first I thought the woman had a breakdown for a moment but she cried and was happy(?) and the Loli just smiled at me. There was also a human woman that's been stalking me and I've been talking too she appears to have BPD as well regardless, during our conversations, she... Knows about my sisters. Normally I don't mind but when discussing such matters with her, she was... Very enamored by them, to the point of idolizing them. Outside of some other business going on, my sisters have been saying somewhat often that "she has potential" whatever that means. One thing Led to another and I had to channel them so they could talk to this woman (I'm not sure if I did a good job because I suck at this kind of thing but they apparently said I did alright so idk) but I could see how she respected, borderline revere them. Also I have been feeling her- the other me/whatever speak more too. As well as saying that phrase/mantra I spoke about before..