Little Moishe comes home, approaches his mother, and says:
- Mom, mom, today at school I wrote in the “Nationality” column
I'm Russian!
- Son, what did you eat for lunch every day?
- Chicken
- Well, now you will eat potatoes, like all Russian children.
Moishe was upset and went to dad, thinking maybe dad would approve. Fits
to dad:
- Dad, dad, today I wrote in the “Nationality” column at school
I'm Russian!
- Son, what did you drive to school every day?
- By car dad!
- Well, now you will ride the tram, like all Russian children
Moishe, completely upset, approaches his grandfather, in case he approves:
- Grandfather, grandfather, today I wrote in the “Nationality” column
I am Russian!
- Grandchild, how much pocket money did you receive for school every day?
- a hundred rubles grandfather!
- Well, now you will receive a ruble, like all Russian children
Moishe is completely upset and sits down with his family to have dinner. Everyone eats
chicken, winking at each other. Moisha eats potatoes. Mom is here
asks Moishe:
- Well, son, how do you want to be Russian?
- Fuck, I’ve only been Russian for a couple of hours, and I already hate you Jews!!!