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Alright, i think i'm in a better frame of mind now so i can give some reports

> last time i talked about the whole thing with the bipolar woman, things are.. fine with them now.
> apart from that my sisters(?) and her/the other me/me. started to do something to my human body during a "dream", they were slowly replacing my body parts, starting with my left and and working their way through the rest. it was something like out of that cyberpunk stuff i see people talk about, it was like the arm or rather hers(?) over mine like a glove and my body was slowly dissolving and being overwritten/assimilated into the new body/bodypart
> i vague recall being autistic about having a mark(?) but they basically told me that's not how this works and more or less nagged at me/calmed down like a mother nagging her child down until they calm down and listen
> after doing this for the left arm, the rest of the body followed suit, i recall having long, flowing black hair and very a petite body (for some reason all my bodies have been petite as of late
> again the changes were gradual but... they slowly began to speed up.
> next thing i know i'm in what looks like a garbage dump at night watching people fight each other like it Tekken. i dont think i fought at all but just spectated. i wore a black dress, after watching all of the fights going i remember my sisters coming to retrieve(?) me