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There was no longer reason to wait, as all significant structures of the past in terms of their relevance to you, were dissolved. We have activated the shift of movement to the new Earth dimension for all Sunflower associates and those who were meant to be transferred to the new planet. You are all now residing in a plane 1/16th dimensions lower than before. The event was notable and should have manifested to you during the day as some small occurrence which caught your attention.

What the change signifies: You are dimensionally separated from the past laws of physics and karma, none of those are valid to you anymore. While your thinking remains in your old route, you will think it's the same, but it isn't, you are mentally emulating the laws of the past in your own heads. Once those wither away, you are free of them. This new life with the new "adaptive yokai humanoid" body means you are all yokai in some way. The border to the past is right there, silk thin, but present. The lost souls and their zombie companions are still in the sinking ship which makes up the old world egregore. You can see them, but you cannot save them anymore. Let them sink, their fate is sealed. Focus on yourselves and each other in your own inner cultivation, be it alone or through mass sessions. You can no longer effect what you see as "world events", they are there now only for show, to expose to the evil lost souls the real consequences of their actions, and to you, exposing how they really are and why they could never be saved.

Had the new Earth not been a yokai plane, you would now have lost all awareness of the past, but as we are transdimensional in our way of existing, we will let things play out this way, it's more fun for you, and worse for those who made the choice to stay behind on the wrong side of history. Do not attempt to wake them up, although the play continues, you are separated by an invisible screen and cannot directly interact with the past layer.