> if you can't read energy or see it all this is just made up to you
It's okay. It's true that I'm not developing those skills as fast as I could, but I don't feel there's any rush to do so. That is one thing I definitely do as a vampire (or an old person). I really don't care if something takes 5 or 50 years.
> nothing that would make anyone stop aging in the vampire spell as shared by alissa
It was stated:
> It will seem so, but it's not definite. I think over the first period, unless you were really old, you'll gradually get a bit younger. So if you're 30 you may end up looking 25. But over a longer time period you'd still age, with the original form of the magic passed to you.
> So to put it roughly:
> at 2k years old you'd look 30
> at 5k years old you'd look 35-40
> at 50k years old you'd look 40-45
> at 100k years old you'd look 50-60
> so the aging is very slow but it exists.

But I'm not looking to debate this. I was just wondering.