It doesn't really matter now unless you want to just discuss this stuff, I see now why this topic came up. I had unused time potential within my dimensions and that's also why these aliens were attacking, they were trying to steal it from me (impossible, because it's my potential).

There were still some unfinished timelines in Earth history that had to be filled in, and I had to play part in them, so I had to be directed to think about how to get in there, by sending a soul fragment back in time to do these incarnations.

It's also something I wasn't clearly aware of or talked about, but while I'm here now as the main awareness, I simultaneously incarnated other parts of myself within the same time window in other parts of the world. Maybe as a back-up because no matter how solid a plan, maybe I could have miscalculated something, and would then move my main awareness to that incarnation? (I don't remember because these considerations were done before incarnating.) I had two incarnations in China/Vietnam, and one in Colombia at the same time as being here now, which explains my feeling that I can't look negatively at these cultures. These were done on "auto" or by the other parts of me, more like the subconscious compared to here.

The method for filling in what was missing in the past was similar, I created a device for shaping a shard of myself into the form needed to go back and enter there, while also being immune to any negativity. It seems after I initiated this process, a bunch of other past time potentials also played out, I felt a hive of souls being active again, a hint of how the Earth used to be before all the souls were removed during and after Covid.

The missing experiences I had to add was an early 1700s whore in Lyon (disappeared at age 14), a full life time of being a wine yard owner (this may have been the most important, because I never had a full length lifetime before) and one ancient witch related life, living in the forest during a primitive period.