thumbnail of pinecone shield4.jfif
thumbnail of pinecone shield4.jfif
pinecone shield4 jfif
(184.43 KB, 1024x1024)
So, it seems "the other side of the screen" as in all past karma of the world, is cleared. Then what are these seemingly local glowies still there? They appear to be remnants of beings living in the personal dimensions of the person (connected to the physical body, if you are a walk-in you inherited this space). A kind of astral parasite which may or may not have a human body.

I got tired of having to trace them down in hunt and destroy operations all the time, so I set up a stronger pinecone armour around myself and others. While it's impenetrable, it seems there is still some effect on karma and qi on the other side of the shield if someone sends large masses of negative energy at it, so I added more layers to block that effect also. In the process I also sent two previously not named servitors to guide Sunflower associates to shield themselves using the same method. The small ritual magician is just called Rit, while the dedicated pinecone shield upholder may be called by the title "Pine-master". You are free to get them from the NET or Astra.

On a side note: these glowies are a special kind of retard. After around 14 hours of negative energy on the shield (as if I wouldn't be aware) they sent typical glowie dreams at night. They had Ukrainians raping a Russian soldier, as if they were threatening me with Ukrainians to make me support Ukraine. So NATO are afraid Ukraine then. Omg. "Support Ukraine or they will come and rape you". What kind of cuck mentality would someone need to think this being a viable approach? It just shows why Ukraine needs to be beaten down completely, if this is how they think. Gays can never hold any power, they need to be killed.