I think I know now, although the logic of sending those dreams isn't clear to me:

The group who was attacking me in the past days (openly, as compared to through proxy) call themselves "the brothers of Mary Magdalene" or something of similar meaning. They are a secret society with surface branches, out of which the Quakers and Puritans are probably most known. They founded Harvard University, they introduced cereals for breakfast because they thought constipation would lead to people masturbating, and they also made circumcision widespread in the USA to reduce sexual pleasure in general. They are anti-natalist.

They base their doctrine on something told to their founders by Mary Magdalene, who had an understanding of the virginal birth. It's said in the new testament that she "had 7 demons removed" which may refer to having all 7 chakras opened, but it's not a clear description. From the context however it seems to refer to her having cut off her menstruation and being in control of her energy flow internally. What she told her mostly male audience was gravely misunderstood, because they were all of an especially neurotic type: perverts who had come to "fear God" after being exposed to miracles. 
This caused them to look down on themselves as eternally dirty and they were unable to have a positive understanding of the lecture, which was about an internal alchemy process. This was way beyond them and they consequently went to extremes when building a doctrine based on what they were told.

It comes down to the following:
> Women are divine, and birth is an act of God
> men are, through the original sin, like excrement
> once born by a woman, men must never come into contact with a woman again, because that would be like putting shit back in
> consequently, sexual intercourse cannot exist, it's all Rape
> there is no way a divine female could want any contact with a male, so "voluntary sex" cannot exist
> women should only give birth as virgins

From this understanding, came the idea that women must be isolated from all male contact. If they are kept virgins for long enough, God will make them pregnant. To achieve this, they started working to criminalize all heterosexual contacts.

They also think children born through sexual contact should be killed, as they are the result of rape, so they support abortion. In their theology, men are literally shit, so if they are homosexuals, that's normal. In fact, men should be encouraged to be homosexuals. They understand the part about "if a man lies with a man as a man lies with a woman" backwards. They read it as "if a man/gay lies with a woman, he should be put to death." So they want death penalty for heterosexuals.

Meanwhile the consider women divine and cannot blame them for anything they do.