
There are many ways. But the way needs to be "more powerful" than the entity you are trying to banish. 
To banish something you need to either "scare" or "ask" the entity to go away on their own (Sometimes they do that. Some of them may look scary but if they are really powerful and not just scary to feed on your fear then they usually are respectful of your wishes and if you ask them they leave). Or cut the connection with them. The second can be done by changing the energy around you so the entity cannot manifest further or you need to figure out what makes the connection possible and destroy that. Or just destroy the entity but you said "powerful" so you probably can't do that yet. 
Also you can simply cut the connection if you change the mental state of the entity or yours which maintains the connection. It can be simple like listening to some music or burning some incense (The important part is here to change your mental state and stop being scared of the entity)  like that greentext from 4chanx when anon started masturbating when the entities told him they don't fear him and when he finished they were gone  . There are many complicated and simple ways to do it  Also I was banished  from places several times. At the beginning you want to banish spooky entities then you get banished for being one. Always makes me laugh when it happens. My homebrew ideas for banishment are ones they used to cut the connection with me. It's simple and effective if done with the good intent. But not permanent. Once it was the loud thud with a hammer like what judges use. An other time I connected to a witch and she made me think of something I love and swept me towards it. I was not banished violently yet tho. I didn't accidentally haunt someone who uses LBRP yet.  

Also you can have guardian entities you can ask to do this. Or create tulpas or servitors to do it. 
There are so many ways.

I hope someone also will reply you with a proper technique because the last time I used the LBRP was years ago. Making entities visit me was always harder than banishing them at the start.