> powerful
also please elaborate what counts as "powerful" to you. I mean you can anger a powerful being or a god even with your insolence if you go down on the wrong path hard enough. Nightmares are powerful enough to you  or you are thinking of poltergeist activity or people getting possessed around you?
I am not trying to scare you with the possibilities. It's the opposite. I am trying to figure out what level is your problem at. Powerful beings usually don't bother you for no reason. Most of them just try to look scary and powerful but they are usually weak. When you don't fear them you can throw them out easily and they stop bothering. But if they are truly powerful then you need to figure out the reason why they even haunt you. Sometimes they just want to help.

Powerlevels get weird as you go forward. And there are interactions that have a deeper meaning and not just a nightime scare.