I was starting to wonder about some odd behavior from my upstairs neighbor. He's almost never home, same with the other neighbor. Renting out an apartment just to stay there a few days out of the reek is pretty odd. I decided to project my awareness to him to check him out and immediately I started getting heart spasms and pains. Recollected myself and tried again, and the same thing happened. Some sort of anti-scrying defense? I checked the vector and it was some sort of eel implanted in my chest, pulled it out patched the hole and looked again. My neighbor had the appearance of some sort of octopus. Like a D&D mind flayer but less anthropomorphic. I noticed a lot of his 'tentacles' extending down through my ceiling as well. I remember someone here saying that octopi are MI6. Maybe.

Exorcised it and put up a ward to make it impossible for it to enter again. That night I had a very strange dream. A whorish woman was trying to seduce me, and then after a while the tone of her speech and the dream suddenly shifted and she began repeating phrases like, "You will obey and serve the Jews, it is natural for Christians to serve the Jews, because you are Christian it is your natural state to serve the Jews." Things like that. The strange thing is that I've never once even remotely thought of myself as a Christian. It felt like some sort of brainwashing attempt. Frankly I'm so offended by the ugly brashness of it that I'm tempted to launch some attacks against New York and Israel just to give them a response. Maybe someone was trying to fill the vacuum that the octopus thing left.