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Channelling, semi-channelling for clarification

On the races

As you've seen before, the most successful and dominant genetics on the past Earth when creating a compound form is a black female. This is because it is a double evolved orc queen. The double evolution implies the control over both female and male aspects, and after the fall of Atlantis, the influence of these queens was so great that the tantric energy system of their races was used to shape the formation of the land masses themselves. You actually live on a huge temple structure of evolved orcs, and no matter how much racism you were to create, you are subordinate to them. Your energy will go into their system, and the blacks will be there. If you were to try and remove them, the entire world would remove you, because you are living in their energy system. The cope for this is that "we created technology and blah blah", look at us white mushroom people!

Yet you are living in a world created by the black queens and anything you do will end up benefitting them and not you. This is because the largest mega structure was formed by their genetics and you cannot live in the world without accepting this in some way.

Other races were also evolved from orcs: white slavs are created by a white male orc lord, however they cannot give birth directly so they use sorcery to create females which are subordinate to them. This is why you will find that slavic females are still tending to be naturally subordinate to men and make better wives.

Chinese are also evolved from a white orc lord, but combined with vampirism and large scale hivemind development. They turned out such because of their environment. So women in asia are still subordinate by nature, no matter how much "feminism" you try to put into them. When looking further down to Vietnam, this area developed the strongest genetics because of the 3000 immortals who live there. The population is their energy system, an amplifier, and most of them are soulless. When the genocide in Cambodia took place, this was the esoteric rulers purging the external/western influences which had come in. The direct effect was the removal of western education and the slaughter of 1/3 of the population to remove "capitalism". What they really did was to remove the genetics which had been degenerated from exposure to external influences.

When Vietnam was attacked, the USA found themselves beaten by "zombies who storm out of the bunkers, the living dead" and Micheal Aquino noted that "their PSYOPS where just too strong". That is because the real rulers are immortals and the population is the tool they use for their practice. They can do what they need with them, and no one else can interfere and be successful.

Japan is different because they have a mix of white orc lord and black orc queen genetics. That is the only real difference, they are still an orc/vampire combo.

Westerners are generally a mix of white pleiadan and white mushroom, with a lot of genetic meddling from greys, lyrans and grey-like hive races. They are easily infected by mind viruses and have been molded to fit as the tool of lower spirits, hives of aliens and the scum of existence, who seek to use the method of "scapegoating" to block their own spiritual evolution. They are the slowest learners, always looking for ways to impair themselves. It is a mystery how these beings came to be, but maybe it can simply be said "there are all sorts."