Can you ask astra about the cave people I mentioned way back.they were an enclave of whites from back when reptilians openly ate humans so maybe before fungus dna was introduced. They escaped and decided to pursue physical strength since they realized humans cant compete with reptilians by making armies and such. They found a a cave and started training their bodies relentlessly. They also fought eachother and the strongest would breed creating a eugenic effect. They eventually became stronger than a bear,faster than a hawk and are even bulletproof.They are resistant to the environment and sleep on hard rock on purpose to not become weaker as a group. They also have "aura".also they say hell is a physical place undergound and they sometimes go down there to fight demons.they like fighting thats why they do it.They arent slaves like people thoyght last time i posted those are different. They also arent the giants. They fight the giants as well. They are tall but not super tall.im mostly interested in their dna but i like the idea of them.there might be multiple groups and i hope some cam be salvaged.