> you are living in a world created by the black queens and anything you do will end up benefitting them and not you.
I don't know, I feel like the perspective here is off. Like, I have a lot of flies and earwigs invading my house right now during the summer. Yeah I'm sure those sorts of creatures are exponentially more numerous than me, and probably have more of an effect on the earth due to their sheer numbers. And they probably wander into my cool house filled with food and think to themselves that they've found a paradise made just for them. But they're missing quite a bit of information. No, my house wasn't 'made for them', even though they've found a way to profit off of it. And I'm definitely not going to be punished by god or nature if I get fed up and buy some pesticides or tape up my windowsills to exterminate them for good.

It reminds me of the welfare mammy who thinks that she's some sort of genius and has delusions of grandeur just because the people who control the system have seen fit to let her into the house to plunder the pantry. There are forces at play that she is simply incapable of understanding, and she therefore comes to the erroneous conclusion that she is somehow some sort of special living god; well, she has to be, since the White man is serving her like this, right?
Personally I just don't think parasites are anything special. Even if their hosts happen to be slow at removing them.