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> ask astra about the cave people
I used Kit for this, reply via her:

"The people you talk of are the original Templars. Those you know of today are just a bleak image of the original group. They are white fungus, and they are the only white fungus group who didn't degenerate, but were successful. They are an all-male group and they did hide in a cave system. From the view of the fungus "queen" (I hesitate to call her a Queen because there are too many of these females in space, they are even mass bred in grey factories, because their genetics are so easy to replicate, but they are still all immortals, it's a difficult concept) this was a success and this group itself having formed means that any other "mishap" is irrelevant. The other Queen races like Black(orc), Silver (actually a pleiadan), white (also pleiadan) will consider it a success if during an entire planetary history they produce one daughter who can then invade another planet and create a local race there, repeating the process. But the mushrooms are very narrow in use genetically, and serve almost no good purpose for regular spirits/souls to incarnate into because of their extremely high rate of failure compared to population size. The other Queens of black, silver and white, all had many immortals emerge who didn't fulfill the standard for breeding the new daughter, but who became immortals on their own path. This serves as a redeeming quality for the "colour queens". 
White mushroom don't have this and are as such a "parasitic race" in itself, which in a twist of irony also make them extremely prone to parasite infections. Most common effect is that they become homosexual, as seen with the publicly known Templars who are today known as "gay fascists" and previously were the SA (Sturmabteilung) in Germany, they had settled around the north pole and were using energy of the black sun. They were actually behind Trump's victory in a strange turn of loyalties.
For white mushrooms to succeed they need to do what you do when farming mushrooms - you do it in a dark and moist cave, protected from all external influence, in isolation. That's all there is to it, you can't farm mushrooms in open air, they get eaten by parasites and stepped on by cows, torn up by kids etc."