Maybe its a different tribe since the guy who made that thread.(who lived among humans because he was only 6 foot tall and seen as a runt) said that their leader can be a woman if shes stronger than the men. He also said their females arent interested in surface males bevause they are too weak.implying they have both sexes.the nazis visited them apprently but were dissapointed since the tribe didnt care about culture or intelllectual achievement but did recognize their physical perfection inplying they look like regular humans to a degree..maybe he was ERPing but he did describe humans being reptillian cattle and described allot of things correctly.maybe im talking about a small tribe. He also described an all female tribe as opposed to his mixed tribe so single gender raves do seem to exist. The all female tribe were also superhumanly strong and even more viscious. The tribe was very viscious because they have violent nature. If you arent strong enough you can leave and thats about it as far as kindness goes.his tribe also eats dinosoars which arent extinct apprently. They fight them mostly barehanded but they can sometimes use armor or weapons.they have zero technology or even much interest in the surface.i theorize some vikings were hybrids. I heard apprently some vikings couldnt be cur by regular weapons. We try to minimize this type of stuff since we dont realize its real but its likely some strong human races fucked around and made hybrids that diluted with generations.