Just read this reply. Sorta true. The landmass will need to reorganize themselves to "Heal" but I have no idea who will do that. It will happen when all pieces fall to their right places thus a new Continent deity can form and this current patchwork system can be left behind.

There are too many unknowns here. The role of Eurasia and America was grossly misunderstood by the elites and only higher beings are allowed to "Know" because it's like super obvious on that level but... I cannot comment on it further. I can feel my perception of geology and geomancy is too meager because I am missing an important piece that would tie the proper understanding together.

> the real CHUDs
Was thinking about the word Chudocracy today. Democracy but only Chuds are equal and leaders are "elected" by chud morals...
Yes it was not a serious thought but it seems it is somehow related to this. My new predictive future thought current mental stream system is producing weird surprises nowadays.