> could you tell me more about the banishing burst spells
Originally it's this package:
but as anything else sold there, CIA psiops department forced them to nerf it and sell it at a too high price. The link for the manual is also missing now.

It's just a spell that clears an area of all hostile beings. It leaves a circle around you clear, but it functions as an area of effect spell in a game, so 3 seconds after you used it, hostiles would start moving into the area again if they were all around you. If active in idle mode the way I have it, it just does the burst on regular intervals and at least the more intelligent beings will learn to not be hostile within this sphere. The way I remade them they're meant to be run in idle mode, and if you need them they will fire up. If you were attacked your focus would be on the attacker and you would think about defending yourself. Then the relevant function would increase in power from your thinking alone.
But you can also manually manipulate them if you want, it just takes awareness of their function at an intuitive level.
I don't think making a sigil for this will be very difficult, just be aware that I based the control off the karma cleansing tinfoil wheel posted on 8kun. You'd have to accept it being installed to use it. If you are an energy collecting wizard ("fat wizard") this will start removing the energy you gathered and you will think it's a trap. It will seem like walking on a mine.
This is just a warning, since posting things on here means anyone could activate the sigil and they may misunderstand it. I make sure what I share can't be misused, which means you can't change the intent and use them for the wrong reason. 
The device used as the center was based off northern tiger kung fu.