> That dream is something I don't understand. Was I a god there or now I can only perceive myself as one and cannot reconnect with that warrior woman.
If my dreams are any hint, it was entirely symbolic and not concrete events aside from some major theme.
I had a dream about "falling from heaven" and feeling like I was flying, then seeing the earth getting closer while the distance was so long I still felt like I was flying. This was actually my current mind re-interpreting how I jumped off a bridge in ancient Rome. I was at the time already synced with the galfed and they put in huge amounts of energy to protect me from the force of gravity (perhaps enough to burn parts of the city, or more?). I don't recall what actually happened more in that life aside from being a prostitute (I've met someone else who was another soul in my body at that time, who directly brought up how being a prostitute in ancient Rome must have been good).
I never had a long life with a "natural" death ever in history, it was always short, violent and completely in conflict with any kind of productive citizenship of the modern variant aside from being a butcher in London ;^)