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thumbnail of Phandalin Sale Reciept.txt
Phandalin... txt
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[10:30 Clear 1C]

> Don't you think we should tell that gnome and others who know Gundren that he was dragged off by goblins? We might get reinforcements. But hmm, might look suspicious again to have people disappear around us.

> Ashley shakes her head, "gimme a chance to get there, let's get this stuff sorted out first then I'll ask."

> Ashley you handle telling them about Sir Gundrens fate the way you see fit. But try to keep 'alternative facts' to a minimum we are already more than suspicious. Arriving with Sir Gundrens cart but without Sir Gundren will raise questions we need to answer.

Ashley leans into Yulya, "Listen, I told him it was Gundren's cart and Gundren's stuff other than the stuff we're selling separately, what other questions would it raise? Besides that, why is it so flipping cold?"

[See sales receipt. Possible Interaction #1]

Hobby steps into the attached dwelling to deposit some items and you hear Hobby getting yelled at inside as you count your coin.
Cat hears, "...40% are you mad?! Who can afford that round here? Lest not till the mine is sorted."

The door opens soon after and a younger Gnome woman comes storming out to see the happenings.
"A little late for travel in'it? Elmina Barthen, owner of this here establishment, now who's the master negotiator who's tricked my old man into 40 over market?"

Ashley steps forward, "Deal's already done."
She takes a offensive stance, "Yeah, and we'll be apologizing for our prices for weeks to come thanks to you. Taking advantage of us is outright highway robbery. First the Redbrands, now you." She continues to lecture. "I thought he was a tough negotiator, looks like he was taken down by a pretty face, that old coot. Well congratulations, spend that coin well, and I'll have Gundren's ear as well, when's he expected?"

Ashley doesn't back down, "You're done? Good. I have to ask you about that. You see, our pal ole Gundran and his guard were taken by Goblins and we're about to go out there to save him. Any leads on anyone here that can help us do that?"

Her tone and stance shift from aggressive to concerned, "Gundren's in trouble? Well why didn't you say so in the first place, of course we'll help any way we can, oh drat it all, that guy's always up to one scheme after another, probably wanted to trade with those beasts, well, shoot. His brothers are camping down by the mine. Don't know why, it's been frost every morning for a week now, don't know when this cold snap will ever end but those boys are likely freezing their toes off about now. You could also ask Daran at Edermath Orchard, he's retired now but capable. Bah, you girls better take care of yourselves, and don't get into it too deep, I want to see your four happy cherub faces back here safe and sound with Gundren and Sildar soon, don't hesitate to ask for more help if you need it. I'd say those Redbrands could handle a goblin or two but they're not worth the trouble, more ruffians than protectors in my opinion. So stay away from the Sleeping Giant's Tap House of you don't want additional trouble. Stonehill Inn's got everything you need." She began pacing and fretting, Hobby came out and sheepishly and she filled him in, completely forgetting about his transgression.

[Possible Interaction #2]

She steps at you and shoos you away, "Go on, go get some food in your belly and some rest, and then go get our Gundren! Tell 'em Hobby and Elmina say it's on them. We'll take care of Gundren's cart and horses in the meantime, don't worry a lick."

You walk on down the street to the Inn.

[Possible Interaction #3 Please signal at least that you're ready for the next scene at the inn.]