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Alice dons her Kitsune mask as she enters the Inn. It's crude but the atmosphere seems honest. No degenerate nobles, no idiots looking for a fight. An authentic unspoilt tavern for the alien tourist
Warm at last! I like this place already, it has soul!

> "Now that the Rockseeker brothers have opened the mine, there's a chance at the good life"
Alice notes that Gundren's family appears to be well liked here.
Hey Ashley, Gundren and his brothers must be some big shots here! I'm sure they won't let the goblins get away with taking him! This is our chance to get some serious aid so don't piss them off! If we manage to rescue him we'll be the heroes here!

> "Uh, I'll pass, if you don't have anything non-alcoholic, then tea or warm water will do," Ashley says and pushes the glass away.
Alice swiftly takes the glass and pours it down in one go under her Kitsune mask. Due to her poison resistance, the alcohol is quickly metabolized and converted to energy without much effect.
Not bad at all! It's warm! And I like cherries! What a nice place!