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[Spring 11th, 09:00, clear, 2C]

The local roosters are crowing, they've been doing it for a good 4 hours so it's about time to wake up. They seem to be saying, "Welcome to Phandalin!"

In the very chilly morning light of the frosty dawn you take in your first glimpse of Phandalin through the window in your upper loft room at the inn. The corners of the glass have ice crystals and overnight clouds rolled in and left a light dusting on snow on the rooftops. Most has already melted off in the clear morning sun, but the East facing surfaces still have this icy white coat. Even in Winter, Yulya doesn't remember seeing temperatures below 10C and never a night with frost let alone snow. To your horror and amazement, out in the East you see the local mountains and Yulya is most shocked of all to see all of them are snow capped. Cat is confused too, there was never snow on those mountains, she'd seen those same mountains her whole life. Even frost was something that was talked about but never seen. The tips of the new leaves and spring buds have turned umber, yellow and brown, even the trees know something is off.

[Possible interaction #1]

Now that it's daylight, you can see The town consists of forty or fifty simple log buildings, some built on old fieldstone foundations. More old ruins—crumbling stone walls covered in ivy and briars—surround the newer houses and shops, showing how this must have been a much larger town in centuries past. Most of the newer buildings are set on the sides of the cart track, which widens into a muddy main street as it climbs toward a ruined manor house on a hillside at the east side of town.

You open the window, braving the frosty morning air and you see bundled children playing on the town green, crunching the frosted grass and laughing as they make crude artwork from the trails their feet make in the field of well kept grass. Townsfolk are tending to chores or running errands at the newly stocked shops in town. Many people look up and smile at you in your window, but all return to their business as they go by.

Cat catches the following comments coming from outside:

"Looks like the traders are up."

"Been too cold for spring."
"The crops are ruined, gotta replant when this cold snap ends."

"...have you felt such a chill this late in the season this far south?"

"Who do these Redbrands think they are... Glasstaff's gone too far..."
"...had to pay yesterday, what else can we do?"

"Strange people about... looking like a porceline doll..."

"traders, finally, I was out of soap and there wasn't a lick in the shop till this morning."
"Prices up again, what does Hobby expect of us? At least he finally restocked."

[Possible Interaction #2]

You head down and see Toblen is talking to a local at the bar, "I came out of Triboar to the east. Came to Phandalin to prospect, but soon realized that I knew a lot more about running an inn than I did about mining. This new town offered a good opportunity to become established. Frankly I don't like the Redbrands, though I don't want any trouble so if they're at least keeping the monsters ay bay that's going to have to be worth the price, I got a wife and children to look after in any case." He spots you and nods with a kindly smile.

You find a table and try to get the energy and warmth to get going.