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> Do you have any idea what will happen if I don't manage to get there in time?? Of course you don't.

Ashley dreams of quiet nights in a tall building with lights in the distance as far as the horizon. Then she's so rudely awakened by the periphrastic mad ramblings of a lunatic.

"Ah! Alice, put some cloths on!"

She pulls on her boots, wipes her face with a damp cloth, washes her hands and arms and drags herself down with the rest of them.

> Alright let's hurry Nya!

> Let us visit Daran first, then head to Miss Greywind to pick up some gear and clothes for Alice!

You eat quickly 9sp to Toblin (3sp from Ashley) and head off into the biting cold morning air to Lionshield Coster first.

This shop has weapons and armor, they do have shields and other adventure gear though supply is limited. Ashley will buy a shield and thieves' tools if she can. They also have clothes, but nothing all that warm, though you could layer. For every layer you gain 5C protection. Having nothing on you start to take damage after an hour every 5 minutes you fail a constitution check DC 5 at 0C, for undergarments, gloves, socks most skin covered, you'll be okay down to -5C, add armor and it's -10C up to 4 layers will help down to -20C then you'll need more aggressive protection. Constitution check increases 1 for every degree under -5C so -10C without enough layers is DC10 vs CON, etc.

Cat, Yulya and Ashley have 2-3 layers, the yukata is only 1. Alice will take 2 damage instead of 1 because of her vulnerability to cold.

Make your purchase wish list.