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Yulya is both impressed and concerned by Ashleys persuasion skills but glad she now has both shield and even thieves tools.

Yulya flinches when Linene mentions the crash of Alices spaceship but feigns innocence while thinking
Oh no please not more people asking questions!

> Alice looks at the strange white fluffy animals grazing on the meadow
> What are these? They look funny!
These are sheep Alice have you never seen one? Wool comes from their fur.

Alices report about her spaceship also sound concerning but first things first, rescuing Gundren has priority! 

Yulya feels strangely calm and almost at home entering Edermath Orchard even more so as she spots Daran peacefully sitting on his rocking chair. What a peaceful scenery!

Ashley you did great getting us free gear just now but let me handle this! This man is - different!

Yulya steps forward with Alice and bows before addressing Daran using Persuasion
Master Edermath I presume?
I am Yulya a mere Peace Cleric of Eldath and adventurer from Neverwinter! These are my party members Alice Ashley and Cat!
Pardon our intrusion but we come before you today with unfortunate news and a sincere request!

We were hired to escort Sir Gundren Rockseeker and Sir Sildar Hallwinter on their trip to bring supplies from Neverwinter to Phandalin.
And it pains me to say that while we managed to arrive here with Sir Gundrens cart we have yet failed! We were separated while rescuing a dozen children chained to a cart and on their way into slavery at the junction of the High Road and Triboar Trail and in the mean time it appears Sir Gundren and Sir Sildar were taken by goblins!

We ourselves fought off a goblin ambush including a hobgoblin and retrieved Sir Gundrens and Sir Sildars horses in terrible shape. But aside from their footprints among those of goblins and a few goblin corpses there was no trace of them to be found. I assume they fought bravely but where overwhelmed by those heinous creatures.

We ourselves were exhausted after the fight and decided to move on to Phandalin to deliver the supplies entrusted to us and ask for reinforcements to rescue those two unfortunate men to which we owe a lot!

Yet even worse it appears Sir Gundrens brothers Tharden and Nundro rushed ahead this morning without coordinating with us! I doubt they have the means to get their brother back rather they will probably fall victim to the goblins themselves!

So without wasting more of your precious time we humbly ask you Master Edermath to lend us inexperienced adventurers your hand! We are mere iron plate beginners and to be honest this is our first quest! We are determined to rescue Sir Gundren and assure the safety of his brothers but we would greatly benefit from your vast experience and skills! We are not wealthy and cannot offer much as payment for your services but I believe it would not merely benefit Sir Gundrens family but this town as a whole to retrieve these men! I am aware that the chances to find Sir Gundren alive may be slim but the powers granted to me by the gods include the ability to revive a person as long as no more than 4 days have passed since death. If we hurry we should make it in time!