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> There was an ice dragon spotted nearby and suddenly we see ice and snow in the local mountains, that's no coincidence. Now what is interesting is the treasure it found, some sort of metallic object of unknown origin, looking as though it fell right out of the sky."

Alice's eyes narrow again
Very strange! How did you happen to learn of this?
Did you see it or did the dragon tell you?

> She pours the three goblets and hands one to Alice and studies her like something unexpected might happen. "Before you're off, please do have a taste little shemlan."
Oh, why thank you!

Alice takes the goblet and takes a sip
Excellent! Such rich flavor, a lot of volatile compounds adding to the scent too! Very different from the apples I know. Truly wonderful. I bet it would taste even better if I could perceive magic!

Alice looks at the goblet and then pours it down in one go
Thank you for letting me have this, now I shall no longer taint you with my goblin scent and proceed to the sheep alongside the lowly human!

Alice bows, hands back the goblet and runs off to Ashley
> "M-hm-n, RUN!" Ashley uses one of her summoned cats to heard the frightened sheep straight for them and laughs as she sprints away.
Hey wait a minute...
Alice uses her acrobatic skills to evade the sheep, jumps on top of one and tries to hold on