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thumbnail of Ashley 235.jpg
Ashley 235 jpg
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thumbnail of Phandalin.jpg
Phandalin jpg
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> But we should get going Nya!

> Let us hurry girls! We have a rescue mission to fulfill!

"Come on Alice, let's go kill some Goblins and collect some stinky ears! (then drop them in that drow's press.) What? Nothing!" Ashley runs off toward Yulya and Cat with Alice in tow.

With nothing left but a long run ahead the girls run off north toward the road. 

Once everyone's checked in, I'll move on to the travel montage. I am working on a travel revamp, but this really doesn't apply. I've decided that running for 5 hours will have to at least leave everyone with 1 level of exhaustion, ravenously hungry, and thirsty, so consider whether you want to do that. Otherwise why not just auto-click run command?

[11:00, 7C, Sunny] It would take 7 hours to walk, 5 hours to run the roughly 21 miles. The Rockseeker brothers are likely to be there before you arrive an any case since they left five hours ago.